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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Niels Bohr Institute

Niels Bohr Institute The Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen is one of the most historically-significant physics research sites in the world. Throughout the early twentieth century, it was home to some of the most intensive thinking related to the development of quantum mechanics, which result in a revolutionary rethinking of how we understood the physical structure of matter and energy. Founding of the Institute In 1913, Danish theoretical physicist Niels Bohr developed his now-classic model of the atom. He was a graduate of Copenhagen University and became a professor there in 1916, when he pretty much instantly began lobbying to create a physics research institute at the University. In 1921, he was granted his wish, as the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen was founded with him as the director. It was often referenced with the short-hand name Copenhagen Institute, and youll still find it referenced as such in many books on physics today. The funding to create the Institute for Theoretical Physics largely came from the Carlsberg foundation, which is the charitable organization affiliated with the Carlsberg brewery. Over the course of Bohrs lifetime, the Carlsberg forked out well over a hundred grants to him in his lifetime (according to NobelPrize.org). Beginning in 1924, the Rockefeller Foundation also became a major contributor to the Institute. Developing Quantum Mechanics Bohrs model of the atom was one of the key components of conceptualizing the physical structure of matter within quantum mechanics, and so his Institute for Theoretical Physics became a gathering point for many of the physicists thinking most deeply about these evolving concepts. Bohr went out of his way to cultivate this, creating an international environment in which all researchers would feel welcomed to come to the Institute to assist in their research there. The major claim to fame of the Institute for Theoretical Physics was the work there in developing an understanding of how to interpret the mathematical relationships that were being demonstrated by the work in quantum mechanics. The main interpretation that came out of this work was so closely tied to Bohrs Institute that it became known as the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, even well after it had become the default interpretation the world over. There have been a number of occasions where people directly affiliated with the Institute received Nobel Prizes, most notably: 1922 - Niels Bohr for his atomic model1943 - George de Hevesy for work in nuclear medicine1975 - Aage Bohr and Ben Mottelson for work in describing the structure of the atomic nucleus   At first glance, this might not seem particularly impressive for an institute that was at the center of understanding quantum mechanics. However, a number of other physicists from other institutes throughout the world built their research on the work from the Institute and then went on to receive Nobel Prizes of their own. Renaming the Institute The Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen was officially renamed with the less-cumbersome name Niels Bohr Institute on October 7, 1965, the 80th anniversary of Niels Bohrs birth. Bohr himself had died in 1962. Merging the Institutes The University of Copenhagen of course taught more than quantum physics, and as a result had a number of physics-related institutes associated with the University. On January 1, 1993, the Niels Bohr Institute joined together with the Astronomical Observatory, the Orsted Laboratory, and The Geophysical Institute at the University of Copenhagen to form one large research institute across all of these diverse areas of physics research. The resulting organization retained the name Niels Bohr Institute. In 2005, the Niels Bohr Institute added the Dark Cosmology Centre (sometimes called DARK), which focuses on research into dark energy and dark matter, as well as other areas of astrophysics and cosmology. Honoring the Institute On December 3, 2013, the Niels Bohr Institute was recognized by being designated an official scientific historical site by the European Physical Society. As part of the award, they placed a plaque on the building with the following inscription: This is where the foundation of atomic physics and modern physics were created in a creative scientific environment inspired by Niels Bohr in the 1920s and 30s.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Seahorse Facts

Seahorse Facts Seahorses (Hippocampus spp of the family Syngnathidae) are fascinating examples of bony fish. They have a unique body morphology with a horse-shaped head, large eyes, curved trunk, and a prehensile tail. Even though these charismatic creatures are banned as trade items, they are still heavily traded in the illicit international markets. Fast Facts: Seahorses Scientific Name: Syngnathidae (Hippocampus spp)Common Name: SeahorseBasic Animal Group: FishSize: 1–14 inchesLifespan: 1–4 yearsDiet:  CarnivoreHabitat: Temporal and tropical waters throughout the worldConservation Status: Not Evaluated Description After much debate over the years, scientists finally decided that seahorses are fish. They breathe using gills, have a swim bladder to control their buoyancy, and are classified in the Class Actinopterygii, the bony fish, which also includes larger fish such as cod  and tuna. Seahorses have interlocking plates on the outsides of their bodies, and this covers a spine made of bone. While they have no tail fins, they have four other fins- one at the base of the tail, one under the belly, and one behind each cheek. Some seahorses, like the common pygmy seahorse, have shapes, sizes,  and colors that allow them to blend in with their coral habitats. Others, such as the thorny seahorse, change color to blend in with their surroundings. According to the World Register of Marine Species, there are 53 species of seahorses (Hippocampus spp), though other sources number the existing species between 45 and 55. The taxonomy has proven difficult because seahorses dont vary a great deal from one species to another. They do, however, vary within the same species: Seahorses can and do change color and grow and lose skin filaments. Their size ranges from under 1 inch to 14 inches long. Seahorses are categorized in the family Syngnathidae, which includes pipefish and seadragons. Georgette Douwma/Getty Images Habitat and Range Seahorses are found in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. Favorite seahorse habitats are coral reefs, seagrass beds, estuaries, and mangrove forests. Seahorses use their prehensile tails to anchor themselves to objects such as seaweed and branching corals. Despite their tendency to live in fairly shallow waters, seahorses are difficult to see in the wild, since they can remain very still and blend in with their surroundings. Diet and Behavior Although there is some variation based on species, in general, seahorses feed on plankton and tiny crustaceans such as amphipods, decapods, and mysids, as well as algae. Seahorses do not have stomachs, so food passes through their bodies very quickly, and they need to eat often, between 30 and 50 times a day. Although they are fish, seahorses are not great swimmers. Seahorses prefer to rest in one area, sometimes holding on to the same coral or seaweed for days. They beat their fins very quickly, up to 50 times a second, but they do not move quickly.  They are able to move up, down, forward or backward. Reproduction and Offspring Many seahorses are monogamous, at least during a single breeding cycle.  A myth perpetuates that seahorses mate for life, but this doesnt seem to be true. Unlike many other fish species, though, seahorses have a complex courtship ritual and may form a bond that lasts during the entire breeding season.  The courtship involves an enchanting dance in which they entwine their tails​ and may change colors. Larger individuals- male and female both- produce larger and more offspring, and there is some evidence for mate choice based on size. Unlike any other species, male seahorses  become pregnant and carry babies (called fry) to term.  Females insert their eggs through an oviduct into the males brood pouch. The male wiggles to get the eggs into position, and once all the eggs are inserted, the male goes to a nearby coral or seaweed and grabs on with his tail to wait out gestation, which lasts 9–45 days.   Males produce 100–300 young per pregnancy and while the main source of food to the embryos is the yolk of the egg, the males do provide additional sustenance. When its time to give birth, hell contort his body in contractions until the young are born, over a period of minutes or sometimes hours.   felicito rustique / Flickr   Conservation Status The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has not as yet evaluated seahorse endangerment, but Hippocampus spp were among the first fishes brought under global trade restrictions in 1975. They are currently listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which allows exports of specimens only if they are sourced sustainably and legally. All countries which were historically exporting large numbers of them have since banned the export or are under CITES export suspensions- some banned the export prior to 1975. Nevertheless, seahorses are still threatened by harvesting for use in aquariums, as curios, and in traditional Chinese medicine. Historic and recent fisheries and/or trade surveys in source countries with trade bans have all revealed persistent exports of dried seahorses through unofficial channels. Other threats include habitat destruction and pollution. Because they are hard to find in the wild, population sizes may not be well-known for many species.  Ã‚   Stuart Dee / Getty Images Seahorses and Humans Seahorses have been a topic of fascination for artists for centuries, and are still used in Asian traditional medicine. They are also kept in aquariums, although more aquarists are getting their seahorses from seahorse ranches now rather than from the wild. Author and marine biologist Helen Scales, Ph.D., said of seahorses in her book Poseidons Steed: They remind us that we rely on the seas not only to fill our dinner plates but also to feed our imaginations. Sources Faleiro, Filipa, et al. Size Does Matter: An Assessment of Reproductive Potential in Seahorses. Animal Reproduction Science 170 (2016): 61–67. Print.Foster, Sarah J., et al. Global Seahorse Trade Defies Export Bans under Cites Action and National Legislation. Marine Policy 103 (2019): 33–41. Print.International Protections for Seahorses Take Effect May 15. World Wildlife Fund, May 12, 2004.Koldewey, Heather J., and Keith M. Martin-Smith. A Global Review of Seahorse Aquaculture. Aquaculture 302.3 (2010): 131–52. Print.Scales, Helen. Poseidons Steed: The Story of Seahorses, From Myth to Reality. New York: Gotham Books, 2009.Sea Horse Facts. The Seahorse Trust.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is your model the best model why and why not Essay

Is your model the best model why and why not - Essay Example Based on that information, the organization structure model that has been designed is the best; reason being that, first, the model is a hybrid structure. A hybrid organization structure model is one that seeks to implement both the divisional and functional organization structures. Such a combination enables the organization to reap a number of benefits within the organization itself and also on the business arena. As such, there are a number of benefits that a hybrid model brings. These include: Efficiency: Due to the fact that the hybrid model combines the functional and divisional structures, the organization tends to increase work and processes efficiency. For example, Kind Saud University has a functional unit that seeks to cater fully to female students. As a functional unit, they report directly to the Dean of the College. With that, this functional unit also provides a disciplinary panel to female students. Based on the designed model, it is without doubt that there is work efficiency in the University since the functional unit â€Å"Vice Dean for Female Student Affairs† seeks to cater fully to female students with regard to matters such as: Graduate studies; educational and academic affairs; finance and administration matters; development and quality unit. As such, all female students get their needs handled with this department. Based on that, the designed model has fully aligned with the needs of their market – both female and male students. Increased flexibility: A hybrid structure is more flexible than an independent functional structure or an independent divisional structure. Hybrid organizations have a number of product categories which tend to offer a competitive strategy in the business arena. In the case of King Saud University, the product and/ or services categories include the different Schools/ Colleges that the University has. That is,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Academic Skills for Students in the Education Sector Essay

Academic Skills for Students in the Education Sector - Essay Example According to the paper, the reporter has come to know the areas where improvement is necessary. In this respect, he has identified that there are certain areas where   he needs to enhance that include time management, referencing and presentation skills. He has to work more in these areas to develop the skills that would help me to complete his three years degree course successfully. In addition, the skills will assist in enhancing my professional life competitively as well as competently. This study outlines that the author is going to discuss the skills that he has developed through my academic life along with the ways of their development. Discussion will be also made regarding the personal development needs for the next three years. Finally, an action plan has been provided for the next three years that displays the ways based on ways through which he will be able to achieve the aims. Time management is one of the most important skills essential for an individual to possess, wh ich will contribute to the personal as well as professional development. The educational curriculum being provided in the UK seems effective, as it helps the students to develop their skills among which the development of time management serves as the most significant skill.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Measuring the acceleration due to gravity in the lab Essay Example for Free

Measuring the acceleration due to gravity in the lab Essay The distance between the ceiling and the floor (h) was measured. A rubber was then dropped from the ceiling and the time taken for it to hit the ground was recorded. Results Attempt Time Taken (sec) 1 0. 47 2 0. 45 3 0. 71 4 0. 55 5 0. 5 6 0. 71 7 0. 4 8 0. 46 9 0. 58 10 0. 56 Average Time = Sum of all times Number of Times = (0. 47+0. 45+0. 71+0. 55+0. 5+0. 71+0. 4+0. 46+0. 58+0. 56) 10 = 5. 85 10 = 0. 59 sec (to 2 dp) H = height of the drop T = time taken Acceleration due to gravity = 2H T2 =2(2. 59) 0. 592 = 5. 18 0. 3481 = 14. 88 m/s2 (to 2 dp) Evaluation The results circled in the table are anomalous. There was a wide range of results, from 0. 4 to 0. 71. This spread of results indicates that the data may be inaccurate. Although the experiment was repeated nine times, different results were found at nearly every attempt. This could be due to the timing methods used. A stop clock held by a person was used to measure the time the rubber took to hit the ground. As a humans reaction times are not perfect, the button could have been pressed long after the rubber had touched the ground. Also, the timekeeper could have pressed the button too early; at the time he expected the rubber to fall in order to try and get a more accurate time. As the area used was not a vacuum, air resistance would have affected the results. The shape of the rubber dropped was a pyramid, so air resistance would be different dependant on the side upon which it was dropped. These reasons explain why some of the results were anomalous. I do not believe that the procedure was accurate enough to measure the acceleration due to gravity in the lab. The timing apparatus was too imprecise and the air resistance due to the lack of a vacuum meant that the data was not as exact as was needed. A more suitable set of timing equipment would have been to replace the stop clock with a light-gate and data-logger. A light gate would be positioned at the top of the drop, with one at the bottom. The computer would then calculate the time taken much more accurately. The air resistance could not be helped, as a vacuum would be highly impractical and unnecessary for our purposes. However, if it were possible, the experiment should have been performed in a complete vacuum. If a perfectly spherical object were used then the air resistance wouldnt be different no matter how it was dropped. The experiment should be repeated in exactly the same fashion as before, but with the changes outlined above implemented. This would give more accurate results. It should then be repeated in the same way as this, but with a denser object of the same dimensions. This would show that the acceleration was due to gravity and not the mass of the object. One more experiment should be undertaken with the same stipulations but an increased dropping height. This would show that the acceleration is the same no matter how high the object is dropped from.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Collaborative Selling :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Collaborative Selling On March 11, 1998 I attended a lecture held by John Littleson in Vineland NJ. The topic of his lecture was collaborative Selling. In which he presented the six best ways to increase sells. John is a multi millionaire; he owns eight new car dealerships, two boat dealerships and several properties through out South Jersey. Target The first step is a marketing necessity: understand exactly what the product/service is and identify the specific markets that can best use it. This is done on a company level in their marketing plan and should be done by individual salespeople as well. It takes some time, but careful planning focuses effort and provides a greater return on time and money invested. Collaborative salespeople know they must concentrate on Prospects who have a high probability of buying. Contact The first step after targeting a market is to contact them in a cost-effective and professional way. Naturally, this would be some combination of letter, phone, and personal contact. The right combination of contacting strategies ensures that collaborative salespeople create high-perceived value before they call on their prospects. When contact is made, collaborative salespeople set the stage for a cooperative, working relationship. They convey their desire to explore needs and opportunities. They build credibility and trust. They express their sincere desire to be of service, and they make their competitive advantages known without jumping into a presentation. Explore In this stage of the collaborative sales process, salespeople convey the message: "Let's explore your business situation to see if there are need to fulfill or opportunities on which to capitalize." During the explore stage, collaborative salespeople conduct research, meet with their prospects frequently, and do whatever it takes to become an expert on their prospect's business. The give-and-take relationship that Develops sets the stage for in-depth exploration of options that may culminate in a sale. Collaborative salespeople make it clear that they want to help, not just make a sale. If, after information-gathering, collaborative salespeople find that their products are not appropriate for their prospects, which is unlikely due to their careful target marketing, they will forego the sale, but have made a friend and business Contact. Collaborate It is at this point after an in-depth exploration of a prospect's situation that collaborative salespeople talk about their products or services.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Getting the Most Out of Advertisement and Promotion

1. What is the case study about, and is it a good idea to test market? The case study â€Å"Getting the Most out of Advertising and Promotion†, is about testing the outcome of an advertisement and promotion. Before advertisements and promotions were not something one would be able collect statistics on television promotions or the effect of advertisement, all was only a matter of faith. Marketing departments might have collected voluminous statistics on television show and coupon redemption, and once they collected that information, they measure everything to compare the costs of marketing with total sales.This procedure did not take care of the most important measurement. What a business owner wants to know, what is most important to them is the incremental sales of the product over and above those that would have happened without the advertisement and promotion. This case study is about the new kind of marketing data. It is data correlated information on actual consumer purc hases. This information is, â€Å"available from universal product code scanners used in supermarkets and drugstores†. (Magid, M. Abraham & Leonard M. Lodish , 1990 p. 2) This information is linked to the information on the kind of television advertising those consumers receive or the frequency and type of promotion events they see. With this source of data, managers began to notice the potential it has to create great opportunities for new marketing productivity. In order for the managers to take advantage of this, they needed to develop new strategic marketing plans. Before all of this was available to marketers, there was no true measurement for advertisement and promotion. Without having a true measurement, â€Å"marketing managers had to rely on many false assumptions†. (Magid, M.Abraham & Leonard M. Lodish, 1990 p. 13) they were assumptions that were unexamined, for example, â€Å"those who believed advertising works also tend to assume that in all cases, more o f it is better than less. † (p. 13) Another assumption was that advertising takes a long time, many months or, sometimes, even years to increase sales. â€Å"A popular rule of thumb is that if increased advertising spending does not generate enough sales to pay for the incremental expense within a year, then a company shouldn’t implement the advertisement†. (p. 13) Advertising is not about just boosting sales, but it serves an important function. . If I were to construct a test market today, how would I go about doing so? Test market is not only a tool to measure the effectiveness in advertisement and promotions but it can also avoid costly mistakes to a marketing manager. Companies are spending thousands if not millions of dollars each year to advertise online, but that is not to say that it is being spent wisely ensure that this money is not being wasted on ineffective advertising programs is to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen programs and to ensure that these programs are achieving their intended purpose.Evaluating the effectiveness of the chosen programs is not all about money; it also gives market managers the opportunity to analyze the non-tangible effects of the chosen program. For example, if a company chooses to go with a pop-up advertising program, they can evaluate its return on investment by comparing its click-through to the amount of money invested in building it. Related article: Advertisement on Promoting Tourism in IndiaHowever that is not the extend of it; a good evaluation program will be able to analyze the consumer’s reaction to that program, its effects on the company’s image or its effectiveness in comparison to a banner ad program. On a Pamorama online article, it is stated that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are the best strategic marketing practices. It is said that they are the Big 3 of social media and they are important avenues for building brand engagement and influence. They grow brand awareness, foster brand advocacy, and generate leads and sales.This is also another way to measure effectiveness References Dyer, Pam. (2012, August 5). Facebook, Twitter, YouTube: Strategic Marketing Best Practices. Retrieved October 23, 2012 from, http://bx. businessweek. com/measuring-advertising-effectiveness/view? url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. pamorama. net%2F2012%2F08%2F05%2Ffacebook-twitter-youtube-strategic-marketing-best-practices%2F Magid, M. Abraham & Leonard M. Lodish. (1990 May-June). Getting the Most Out of Advertising and Promotion. Harvad College, p. 12-18.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Existentialism is a Humanism Essay

In Existentialism is a Humanism, Sartre explains that in human beings, â€Å"existence precedes essence. † Meaning, humans are created without any purpose, but with growth and maturing they find their purpose. J. P. Sartre gives the example of the paper clip, noting that this inanimate object was created with the intent of a purpose. Therefore, that idea lead to it’s creation. He uses this example to demonstrate â€Å" essence precedes existence. † He states, â€Å" man is nothing else, but what he makes of himself. † Simply put, us as humans are first born than we create our own paths in our lives and who we shall be in life. This explains that through our actions and decisions we make in our lives, molds us into the beings we become. Further mentioning that we are the choices we make, are we responsible for who are as individuals because of that. Sartre goes on to say there are two kinds of existentialists. One of them being Christians, Catholics, or people who believe in God. As well as atheistic existentialists who do not believe in God such as himself. However, one thing they share is both groups believe in the idea of â€Å" existence precedes essence. † But, those who believe in God believes God was a superior power who created people with a purpose, which ties into the idea of the paper clip. With that being said, though men has diverse traits and characteristics, they share the same basic qualities because if human nature. On the other hand, the atheistic view believes God is nonexistent and a man starts as nothing and later defines himself. Therefore, Sartre states, â€Å"There is no determinism, man is free, man is freedom†¦. We have no values or commands to turn to which legitimize our conduct. † In other words, we have no excuses, and we are entirely responsible for our decisions. Therefore, there is no God to provide guidance on the proper way to live and we must find that out through our choices. He goes on the idea of subjectivism, saying that one man’s acts creates the image of every man as a whole. Which, develops the idea of what men ought to be as individuals. Sartre also replies that, â€Å"it is impossible for man to transcend human subjectivity. † He isn’t saying â€Å"I prefer subjectivity over objectivity,† he’s asking, â€Å"how can we possibly not be subjective? † Even the religious individual who believes that morality is absolute and comes from God must, at some point, choose to believe that this is the case. Our responsibility is a blessing and a curse. It leads us to feel things like anguish and despair. We experience anguish in the face of our subjectivity, because by choosing what we are to do, we â€Å"choose for everyone†. When you make a decision you are saying â€Å"this is how anyone ought to behave given these circumstances. † Many people don’t feel anguish, but this is because they are â€Å"fleeing from it. † If you don’t feel a sense of anxiety when you make decisions, it’s because you are forgetting about your â€Å"total and deep responsibility† toward yourself and all of humanity. Despair arises because we only have power to change things that are within our power to change, and there is a lot we cannot change. With that being said, reality is unbiased and out of our control, except for small aspects of it here and there. We despair because we can never have full control of the future. However, we are the rulers of our lives, we take the responsibility of our actions and ourselves in general. Regardless of what you believe, this cannot be any other way.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Believing in God first paper Essay Example

Believing in God first paper Essay Example Believing in God first paper Essay Believing in God first paper Essay (a) Atheism is the word that means that god does not exist(b) One religious experience is a miracle. A young boy, who was handicapped since born, could not eat, walk, speak or do anything for himself by himself. His parents took him to bibi Fatimas grave (holy Islamic bibi) and as soon as the boy touched the holy grave, he was cured, he was speaking and walking. His parents were full of joy and could not believe there eyes. All who were there, around the boy, who saw what had happened, wanted to touch him as he was a miracle; Allah performed this miracle via bibi Fatima. This is a religious experience.(c) A religious upbringing may lead someone to believe in god as if all your life you have been taught that there is a god then there is no reason why you would doubt that and automatically believe that there is a god as this is what your parents have taught you and what you have always heard. I am a Muslim and have been brought up in a Muslim household and so I know what it is like. I always have and always will believe that there is a god because this I what my parents have told me and this is my religion.I will never ever doubt that because I have seen miracles like that young boy, I have heard everything that my holy prophets went through in order to keep Islam, and so I know that there is a god. However, if I wasnt bought up in a Muslim household, but in a household of no religion, then I dont think that I would have believed that there is a god because my parents never told me and I would not have been bought up being told that there is a god or read the holy quran which tells me that there is a god and Mohammed is his messenger.(d) There is plenty of evidence that God existsI agree with this statement as I believe that miracles prove that god exists. I dont think that any human could perform a miracle and only something with an enormous amount of power could do that. Also the fact that there are so many religions that believe in god should surely tell you t hat there must be something out there seeing as millions of people believe there is.Matters of life and death paper 4Question 4(a) Voluntary euthanasia is when someone is dying in pain and so asks his or her doctor or friends/family member to end their life painlessly.(b) In Judaism, many Jews do not allow euthanasia as many passages form the Tenakh (Jewish holy book) teach that life and death are only in the hands of god and it is up to him to take life of give life, no-one else has that right. Also, they think that god gave life and so he should be the one to take it back. However some Jews believe that in some circumstances it is acceptable, such as switching of a life support machine as they think that striving to keep someone alive is interfering with gods will and the soul should be free to go to god.(c) There are different attitudes in Christianity about what happens after death because some believe that there is the resurrection of the body, they believe this because it is what St Paul teaches, it was Jesus body that rose from the dead and it is part of the Christian creeds. However many believe in the immortality of the soul. This is because, Jesus said the criminal on the cross would be in paradise straight after death, the communion of saints teaches that living and dead Christians can communicate with each other and things like near-death experiences when people say there soul has left there body and gone down a tunnel of light to god show the immortality of the soul. Christian believes that life after death may be different, but all Christians believe in life after death and this gives their lives purpose and meaning.(d) Every woman should have a right to an abortion if she wants oneI agree with this as if the woman was raped and got pregnant, I dont think it fair for her to keep that baby as a constant reminder of what happened to her. Also, if a 16 year old girl has a one night stand and as a result of this gets pregnant, I dont think it is fai r on the child to bring it in to the world when the mother cant support it, and may not want it so doesnt really love it. This gives the child an unfair disadvantage before it has even come into the world.Marriage and family life paper 2Question 5(a) An extended family is aunts/uncles/grandparents living with the mother, father and children or living close with lots of contact..(b) In Christianity, sex before marriage is not allowed because the bible teaches that fornication is wrong and many Christians believe fornication is sex before marriage. Also, church leaders say the pre-marital sex is a sin. However, some Christians believe it is okay as long as the couple love each other, have been in a long term relationship and intend to get married eventually. This is because, Jesus taught that love is the most important thing, the bible does not specifically condemn marriage and the church has come to terms with modern attitudes to cohabitation.(c) Family life is important in Judaism because Jews believe that family is at the heart of religion. The Halakhah says the parents should care for their childrens material needs, parents should make sure that all Jewish food laws are kept in the home, parents should teach their children about Judaism and their duty as Jews, parents should set a good example of the Jewish life especially by the festivals in the home and children are expected to be a comfort to their parents and be a comfort for them in their old age. Jews believe that family life is very important because, it was creates by god to keep the family together, it is the only way god wants children to be brought up, it is the place where children learn about Judaism and the festivals celebrated, the family is the only way of keeping Judaism alive and having family is one of the mitzvot which all Jews have to follow.(d) Living together is better then getting marriedI agree with this as I think living together is like a trial run of how life would be if you were marries and so if you are always arguing it isnt a good idea to get married. Also, if you were married and things werent right but you had children then the children would be caught in this but if you are only living together and have no children then it is easier to let go if things arent working out without putting kids through it.Social harmony paper 1Question 7(a) Equality is where everyone is the same no matter what there gender/class/race/colour.(b) Christian teachings on racial harmony are that all forms of racism is wrong and that Christians should make more racial harmony. This is because, Jesus treated people of different races equally, St peter had a vision form god telling him that god has no favourites among the races, god created all races in his image and all Christian churches have members, ministers and priests of all races and colours.(c) Trying to convert someone may cause problems in a multi-faith society because this may seen as being discrimination towards th e other religions, as if to say we are better and more inferior and superior then you so they should come in our religion as our religion is the right religion. Also by doing this other religions may feel threatened that our followers are going into other religions causing them to feel unequal and feeling they have to retaliate by doing something that the other religion then feels discriminated against.(d) A mans place is in the homeI do not agree with this as I personally feel that it should be the man who is out working in order to put food on the table and the woman should work or then stay at home and do the housework as well as look after the kids. I dont think that the man should be the one who to be at home and doing the housework and the cooking but should be the one who makes that happen by going out and earning the money for his family.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Queen Anne, Britains Queen Regnant

Biography of Queen Anne, Britain's Queen Regnant Queen Anne (born Lady Anne of York; February 6, 1655 – August 1, 1714) was the last monarch of Great Britain’s Stuart dynasty. Although her reign was marred by her health problems and she left no Stuart heirs, her era included the union of England and Scotland, as well as international events that helped Britain rise to prominence on the world stage. Fast Facts: Queen Anne Full Name: Anne Stuart, Queen of Great BritainOccupation: Queen regnant of Great BritainBorn: February 6, 1665 at St. Jamess Palace, London, United KingdomDied: August 1, 1714 at Kensington Palace, London, United KingdomKey Accomplishments: Anne confirmed Britain as a power on the world stage and presided over the unification of Scotland with the rest of what is now the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Quote:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I know my own heart to be entirely English. The Daughter of Yorks Early Years Born on February 6, 1655, Anne Stuart was the second daughter and fourth child of James, Duke of York, and his wife Anne Hyde. James was the brother of the king, Charles II. Although the Duke and Duchess had eight children, only Anne and her older sister Mary survived beyond early childhood. Like many royal children, Anne was sent away from her parents’ household; she grew up in Richmond along with her sister. Despite their parents’ Catholic faith, both girls were raised as Protestants on the orders of Charles II. Annes education was otherwise quite limited – and was probably not helped by her lifelong poor eyesight. However, she did spend time at the French court as a young girl, which influenced her later in her reign. King Charles II had no legitimate children, which meant that Annes father James was his heir presumptive. After Anne Hyde’s death, James remarried, but he and his new wife did not have any children who survived infancy. This left Mary and Anne as his only heirs. In 1677, Annes sister Mary wed their Dutch cousin, William of Orange. The match was arranged by the Earl of Danby, who used the marriage to a Protestant nobleman as a way to curry favor with the king. This was in direct conflict with the Duke of Yorks wishes – he wanted to cultivate a Catholic alliance with France. Marriage and Relationships Soon, Anne also married. After years of rumors as to who she would marry – with her cousin and eventual successor Georg of Hanover as the most prominent candidate – Anne ultimately wed a man supported by her father and and her maternal uncle: Prince George of Denmark. The wedding took place in 1680. The marriage pleased Anne’s family, who hoped for an alliance between England and Denmark to contain the Dutch, but it frustrated William of Orange, her Dutch brother-in-law. Despite an age gap of twelve years, the marriage between George and Anne was reported to be fond, even if George was described by many as deeply boring. Anne became pregnant eighteen times during their marriage, but thirteen of those pregnancies ended in miscarriages and only one child survived infancy. The competition for influence between their husbands continued to strain Anne and Mary’s once-close relationship, but Anne had a close confidante in her childhood friend Sarah Jennings Churchill, later the Duchess of Marlborough. Sarah was Anne’s dearest friend and most influential advisor for much of her life. Overthrowing her Father in the Glorious Revolution King Charles II died in 1685, and Annes father, the Duke of York, succeeded him, becoming James II of England and James VII of Scotland. James quickly moved to restore Catholics to positions of power. This was not a popular move, even amongst his own family: Anne vehemently opposed the Catholic Church, despite her father’s attempts to control or convert her. In June 1688, James’ wife, Queen Mary, gave birth to a son, also named James. Anne had resumed closer correspondence with her sister, so she was aware of plans being made to overthrow their father. Although Mary distrusted the Churchills, it was their influence that helped Anne finally decide to join with her sister and brother-in-law as they plotted to invade England. On November 5, 1688, William of Orange landed on English shore. Anne refused to support her father, instead taking the side of her brother-in-law. James fled to France on December 23, and William and Mary were hailed as the new monarchs. Even after years of marriage, William and Mary had no children to inherit the throne. Instead, they declared in 1689 that Anne and her descendants would reign after both of them died, followed by any children William might have if Mary predeceased him and he remarried. Heiress to the Throne Although Anne and Mary were reconciled during the Glorious Revolution, their relationship soured again when William and Mary attempted to deny her several honors and privileges, including housing and her husband’s military status. Anne turned again to Sarah Churchill, but the Churchills were suspected by William of conspiring with the Jacobites (supporters of James II’s infant son). William and Mary dismissed them, but Anne publicly continued to support them, causing a final rift between the sisters. Mary died in 1694, making Anne the heir apparent to William. Anne and William reconciled to a degree. In 1700, Anne suffered a pair of losses: her final pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and her sole surviving child, Prince William, died at age eleven. Because this left the succession in question – Anne was not well, and she was of an age where more children were all but impossible – Parliament created the Act of Settlement: if Anne and William both died childless, the succession would go to the line of Sophia, Electress of Hanover, who was a descendant of the Stuart line through James I. Becoming Queen Regnant William died on March 8, 1702, and Anne became queen regnant of England. She was the first queen regnant who was married but did not share power with her husband (as her distant relative Mary I did). She was quite popular, emphasizing her English roots in contrast to her Dutch brother-in-law, and became an enthusiastic patron of the arts. Anne was actively involved in affairs of state, although she attempted to sidestep partisan politics. Ironically, her reign saw the gap between the Tories and the Whigs widen even further. The most significant international event of her reign was the War of Spanish Succession, in which England fought alongside Austria and the Dutch Republic against France and Spain. England and its allies supported the (eventually losing) claim of Archduke Charles of Austria to the Spanish throne. Anne supported this war, as did the Whigs, which increased her closeness to their party and distanced her from the Churchills. In Sarah’s place, Anne came to rely on a lady-in-waiting, Abigail Hill, which further alienated her relationship with Sarah. On May 1, 1707, the Acts of Union were ratified, bringing Scotland into the kingdom and establishing the unified entity of Great Britain. Scotland had resisted, insisting on the continuation of the Stuart dynasty even after Anne, and in 1708, her half-brother James attempted the first Jacobite invasion. The invasion never reached land. Final Years, Death, and Legacy Anne’s husband George died in 1708, a loss that devastated the queen. In subsequent years, the Whig government that supported the ongoing War of Spanish Succession grew unpopular, and although the new Tory majority had little interest in continuing to support the claim of Charles (now Holy Roman Emperor), they also wished to halt the ambitions of the French Bourbons. Anne created a dozen new peers in order to get the necessary majority in Parliament to make peace with France in 1711. Anne’s health continued to decline. Although she vehemently supported the Hanoverian succession, rumors persisted that she secretly favored her half-brother. She had a stroke on July 30, 1714, and died two days later on August 1. She was buried beside her husband and children in Westminster Abbey. Because Electress Sophia had died two months prior, Sophia’s son and Anne’s long-ago suitor George of Hanover took the throne. As queen regnant, Anne’s reign was relatively short- less than fifteen years. In that time, however, she proved her worth as a queen who maintained her authority even over her own husband, and she participated in some of the defining political moments of the era. Although her dynasty ended with her death, her actions secured the future of Great Britain. Sources Gregg, Edward. Queen Anne. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.Johnson, Ben â€Å"Queen Anne.† Historic UK, https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Queen-Anne/â€Å"Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.† Encyclopaedia Brittanica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Anne-queen-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Foreign policy analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Foreign policy analysis - Essay Example Allison suggests that using this model may be too simplistic to explain accurately the full dynamics of the crisis. One of his reasons in promoting the â€Å"organizational actor† theory in contrast to this interpretation is that the State is not a single entity but rather a practical assemblage of people, processes, and institutions that often act with conflicting rates of efficiency and motivation. As Sundaram (2011) writes, â€Å"An ‘organizational process’ model in which the decision maker operates under time and information constraints, and does not seek an optimal solution. Instead, the decision maker engages in ‘satisficing’ behavior and attempts to find a solution which achieves a set (minimum) goal, and minimizes risk of failure.† (Sundaram, 2011, p.22) Allison finally modified this thesis to a â€Å"bureaucratic politics† which took into consideration the full complexity of the government in action. (Sundaram, 2011, p.25) These distinctions show why the decision-making aspects of government may proceed differently in a crisis vs. during normal times. A crisis presents a critical situation that can spiral out of control at any moment. This is seen in the nuclear escalation between the USA and USSR in the Cuban Missile Crisis. ... Practically, when the Cuban Blockade was implemented by Kenendy, the policy would be implemented not by JFK himself but by a wide range of instruments of the US bureaucracy, military, and innumerable soldiers or staff. If any one of these individuals made a mistake in the crisis, it could have spiraled out of control in a way that would have changed the way Kennedy or Khrushchev could make further decisions. Compare the negotiations between Gorbachev and Reagan that took place at Reykjavik and other locations during the end of the Cold War. In one to one negotiations at the highest level, the rational actor theory seems like a plausible way to explain history. Yet, in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the American Navy and Russian Navy could have exchanged fire at any time, creating a Gulf of Tonkin or Lusitania moment that could have led to further escalation in MAD. Allison states he expected that Kennedy made a personal and private offer to Khrushchev that defused the situation, and histo rically he was proven correct. (Marks, 1991, Web) This offer allowed Khrushchev to remove bases from Cuba with the personal assurance from Kennedy that the US nuclear weapons would also be removed from Turkey. (Marks, 1991, Web) Question 2: assess the effectiveness of military force as a tool for foreign policy In an article written just after the 9/11 attacks, MIT professor Noam Chomsky cited the US Army manual which define terrorism as "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature...through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear." (Chomsky, 2002) What Chomsky and others have noted throughout history is the fundamental relationship of military force and the violence of war to terrorism. For example,